
Video of the Day: Doodlebug (1997)

Sebuah short film dari sutradara Christopher Nolan yang kemudian akan membuat Following (1998), Memento (2000) dan Inception (2010). Dibuat saat Nolan masih bersekolah di sebuah universitas di London.

Seorang pria tampak berusaha menangkap sesuatu di lantai kamarnya, tanpa sadar bahwa ia akan menyakiti dirinya sendiri.

"We did the effects on the best machines we could at the time, for free. We painted our own blue screen with paint from John Lewis shop that doesn't actually work very well. It's worth paying for the proper paint it you're ever faced with a similar dilemma." -Christopher Nolan on Doodlebug


Anonymous said...

Stupid! awal dari kejeniusan nolan

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